Top 10 Future Technologies | Hacker Noon

I remember when this whole thing started, those who saw this coming started organizing online trainings for persons who were interested, teachers and parents. They were trainings that would help schools, teachers and parents cope with the lockdown of schools since there was no Nostradamus to see and reveal when it would be over. Very few people took advantage of such opportunities to improve themselves. The amazing thing was that many of such trainings were FREE. Now while some schools are keeping busy engaging their students in online programmes, others are confused, not knowing what to do, and when they get what to do, the how becomes a challenge.

There is a common prayer now that I have not fully understood. Everyone prays for every thing to return to normalcy. But the big question is: ‘What do we mean by normal?’ Is it any of the following that characterized the pre-covid era: continuous disregard and molestation of mother nature by people and nations who see themselves as modern gods, terrorism and violent killing of the innocent that are found around the world, embezzlement of national wealth by our leaders and dumping them in accounts abroad that they even can’t visit now, large scale cheating of neighbours in the name of  business, ritual killings and wickedness of man to man, mediocrity and redundancy without crave for more knowledge and ways of improving oneself, profiteering from the poor by cheap blackmail in the name of God, all of them sin, sins and more sin. Each person or organisation really needs to have a deep reflection to see the message in this pandemic for him, her or them.

For me, I will say, learn, unlearn, learn, relearn, do not be rigid in your encounters and decisions. It must not be ‘as it was in the beginning’. Read up new innovations in the ways of doing things and embrace technology now, it has come to stay, wake up! Schools, upgrade and train your teachers. My people, one should struggle to improve oneself too, do not depend solely on that one source of income. Make use of those windows of opportunity that come to you occasionally. Above all, let us pray for grace, God’s amazing grace to always aspire to do the right thing.

Maryprecious Dike


  1. That's right! Opportunity meets the prepared.

  2. This is absolutely brilliant. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this... what is the normal that people want to return to? As you pointed out, those days were days filled with horrible misdeeds; terrorism, nepotism, class-ism, tribalism, sexism, and even the constant abuse of our dear innocent children. Sin, sins and more sin...
    Let us pray for grace, it is well, Amen

  3. This is awesome. We indeed need to be prepared at all times. The preparation should be both for the known and the unknown. Well done madam.

  4. This is awesome. Thanks for sharing your thought.

  5. Indeed, Corona V. really took alot of schools unawares. They had no foresight. They were busy Dealing with frivolous matters, oblivious of the impending dangers that lurks till it came crashing down on them, affecting everyone in to to.

    Well, what needs to be done rests a whole lot on our shoulders just like your last paragraph explicitly enunciated.

  6. Keep it on the work, more SUCCESS


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