
Showing posts from June, 2020

Pronounce like a pro with Maryprecious


A thought of an aspiring dad to OUR FATHERS

A thought of an aspiring dad to OUR FATHERS They are often disregarded like the buttocks Their usefulness often taken for granted Yet when they’re incapacitated or no more Everyone mourns profusely Especially the ones better regarded People argue they are hardly there People say they are never around They say mothers are always available, These ones are always chasing things valuable But they rest and ‘’valuables’’ become less I understand ‘’daddies day out’’ is scarce But I don’t want them treated like grass For I will one day be one of them And I will be hurt if people condemn Me because I have to live as I should Imagine life without them around us Even our mothers will make a great fuss They are seldom seen but when they arrive They arrive; their presence is comforting Securing, soothing, educating, motivating. Our mothers, you are highly carried But your husbands, I recognise too Praise them more, and they will take you to That level you crave; lov...


THE HIDDEN MESSAGE OF COVID 19 FOR YOU (... Continuation)   I remember when this whole thing started, those who saw this coming started organizing online trainings for persons who were interested, teachers and parents. They were trainings that would help schools, teachers and parents cope with the lockdown of schools since there was no Nostradamus to see and reveal when it would be over. Very few people took advantage of such opportunities to improve themselves. The amazing thing was that many of such trainings were FREE. Now while some schools are keeping busy engaging their students in online programmes, others are confused, not knowing what to do, and when they get what to do, the how becomes a challenge. There is a common prayer now that I have not fully understood. Everyone prays for every thing to return to normalcy. But the big question is: ‘What do we mean by normal?’ Is it any of the following that characterized the pre-cov...


                     THE HIDDEN MESSAGE OF COVID -19 FOR YOU   I read the news in recent times and what I see as headline is Covid 19! Covid 19! Covid 19! If it is not about new cases, it is about the number that just died, or how the relief funds have been spent, are being spent or should have been spent. These and many more flood the news and social media today. Every aspect of our existent today seems to be determined by Covid 19: worship, entertainment, movement, education, employment, etc. I never imagined that everyone’s constitutional rights could suddenly be limited by one strange virus that is alien to us in this part of the world. Just some days back a new array of Youth Corpers passed out into the Labour Market. Then I started thinking: Where will these fellows go? Those before them are all ‘locked in’ in this lockdown that seems not to want to end. At least while they where serving, their monthly palliative was gu...

Pronounce like a Pro with Maryprecious2


Pronounce like a Pro with Maryprecious
