
Showing posts from August, 2020

I Am Because You Are(Essay by Ebubechukwu Henry-Dike)

I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE I have looked at the  topic above severally and could not but wonder: “Who are ‘YOU’?” Does ‘YOU’ refer to any or all of the very important persons in my life parents, siblings, teachers at school, neighbours, friends at school and church? It amazes me that it is difficult coming to a conclusion that deep within, my conscience does not query me about. Following this reflection, it is dawning on me that I am incomplete without everyone of the persons mentioned above. But it is still not enough, for my heart tells me that there is more to this ‘YOU’. What about that driver that is always very careful when driving me to school? What about the ‘Baba’ that mans the gate, who always listens so keenly for my dad’s car horn? Then I think about the gardeners, cleaners, the kitchen staff and others who are not even my friends at school. Will life for me be what it is now, happy, without them? Certainly, they form a part of the ‘YOU’. Probing further, I discovered t...

How else to say 'Nice' in English.


Synonyms of 'Said' in English


Homonyms in English


More Uncommon Homophones In English
